Special Announcement: Winter is Past
Most of my readers know me from my books and articles on a variety of Catholic media outlets. You may also be familiar with my Substack blog, Create Soul Space, where I write about Christian healing after domestic abuse. My training in this topic isn’t merely professional, but personal: I’ve ‘been there, done that.’
Yet my story is different than most of my readers, and that’s why I’ve decided to create a separate site focusing on marital healing after betrayal and abuse. Contrary to popular secular belief, change can happen. It’s rare, but it’s also possible.
Named after a verse in the Song of Songs (2:11), in Winter is Past my husband and I will share our journey from abuse and betrayal to marital healing, with the prayer that our struggles may help other couples who find themselves on a similar path. With St. Pope John Paul II as our mentor and guide—and a focus on Love and Responsibility, Theology of the Body, as well as his essay “A Meditation on Givenness”—we hope to lead readers on a journey of relationship rebirth.
Please click here to subscribe (it’s free!), and as always feel free to contact me with any questions, or leave comments below.
Behold, winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth.
The season of glad songs has come,
the cooing of the turtledove is heard
in our land.
The fig tree is forming its first figs
and the blossoming vines give out their fragrance.
(Song of Songs 2:11-13)