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Thank you, I needed this today. No coincidences, Holy Spirit answering prayers.

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I'm so glad this helped you, Sidney. May God bless you! Numbers 6:24-26.

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Years ago I read several books by Merlin Carothers, a Christian teacher and counselor. The theme of these books was to thank and praise God for every problem, need, sorrow and suffering. I hated those books. I fought against the message, yet every time he came out with a new book I had to read it. But he was right, and your new message is really saying the same thing. It has taken me years to realize just how right and true your message is. It is the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking.

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Thank you for your words, Theresa! I completely agree. In my experience, in regards to authentic Christian writings, when I resist a Spirit-inspired message strongly, that's exactly the thing I need most. It's now a guidepost for me. If I read a book and truly don't resonate with it, it just falls flat. "Eh ... not for me!" I don't feel strongly about it, I just don't care for it. But if I resist the message and fight against it, I now know it's a signal for me to step back, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit why I'm so resistant and what the message truly means to me. The more uncomfortable I feel with a certain spiritual message (again, I'm talking about the truly Christian and inspired ones), the more I realize it's a place in my life I need to work on.

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